This program has been in place since August 2011 at HPJM and many patients have expressed their satisfaction with it. On the day after the operation, a third call is made to check on the patient's condition and answer any questions.On the day before the operation, the patient will be called a second time to confirm the time of arrival at HPJM and to make a reminder of the paperwork needed for the hospitalization.The first call takes place 4 days before the operation. During this call, we will make sure that an appointment with the anaesthetist has been made, and any additional test needed for hospitalization has been carried out.
For every call, the patient will be in contact with a health professional from Europe Assistance. Secrtariat Pneumologie Drs Bombaron Bouledrak Caillet : 04 78 77 51 43. Depuis 2008, lHôpital privé Jean Mermoz, établissement du groupe Ramsay Santé, à Lyon développe une politique de soins dont les valeurs de proximité. Our team of surgeons has made a list of questions to better understand the patients' calls, and a procedure has been written to solve any problem encountered. Adresse : 55 avenue Jean Mermoz, 69008 LYON 8E. Hôpital privé Jean Mermoz, établissement de Médecine - Chirurgie - Obstétrique (MCO), groupe Ramsay Santé. The innovative 'Enjoying your Hospitalization' program will allow us to accompany the patient throughout treatment the time spent in hospital will be easier and more pleasant.ģ telephone calls are made to listen,advise and guide our patients. Les hôtesses daccueil peuvent commander un taxi à. Ligne D, arrêt 'Grange-Blanche' ou 'Mermoz-Pinel'. C 15 et C25 - Arrêt 'Mairie du 8e-Bachut' C15 et C22 - Arrêt 'Maryse Bastié' C25 - Arrêt 'Grange Rouge' Métro. Patients can feel alone, in spite of the clear information given by surgeons. Ligne T2 : arrêt 'Boulevard Jean XXIII' ou 'Mairie du 8e-Bachut' Bus. Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle des contenus, données et informations disponibles est illicite et peut donner lieu à des sanctions. The "Enjoying your hospitalisation" program is a result of this partnership and it allows patients treated by Hands Are Us to be followed up at the Private Hospital Jean Mermoz before and after their hospitalisation.Įven if outpatient treatment reduces risks linked to in-patient treatment (nosocomial infections, lack of orientation), it can still cause stress and anxiety. Thierry COTTE Mdecin Gnraliste Conventionnement inconnu 0.00 0 avis 55 Avenue Jean Mermoz 69008, Lyon 08 N tel N.C. HOPITAL PRIVE JEAN MERMOZ 55 AVENUE JEAN MERMOZ 69008 LYON Lutilisation du service offert sur ce site est soumise au respect des conditions dutilisation. This unique partnership aims to provide safe high quality outpatient care, even for those in hospital for a few hours. Outpatient care is provided by La Générale de Santé through Jean Mermoz and Hands Are Us together with Europe Assistance. This guide is only applicable for outpatient treatment at the Jean Mermoz private hospital. 400 - bed Eastern Metropolitan Hospital to be built in zone 7, Guatemala City. "ENJOYING YOUR HOSPITALISATION", A GUIDE.